Questions & Answers

Volume automation track is difficult to control in a small range

+9 votes
asked Aug 4, 2021 in Editing by aifuding (2,040 points)

When mixing sound, faders or a mouse are often used to control the automation curve in detail. Such adjustments are often in a small range, about -3~+3dB. But the volume automation in Studio One needs to cover a large range, which gives me a headache. I have to control my faders carefully to prevent over-adjustment.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 10, 2023 by matthiasbaumgart (160 points)
No answer, rather an aplification: This is very very true! And I have searched A LOT in order to find whether I overlooked something that might be a solution. Maybe my problem is terminology? Like @aifuding I would speak of "adjustments a small range" but "range" in Presonus-language usually means a selected piece of the timeline. But what I - and probably @aifuding - would like to have is a possibility of seeing the automation curve only between, let´s say, -10 and +5db. Is there a possibility to "zoom" like that?