Questions & Answers

CC not working anymode after 5.3 Upgrade on my M-Audio Code 61

+1 vote
asked Aug 27, 2021 in Studio One 5 by christophfal (230 points)
edited Aug 27, 2021 by christophfal
Hey guys,

since I upgraded to Studio One 5.3 the CC controls of my Code-61 don't work anymore.
I still have them "learned" but they don't get recorded anymore and Modulation, Expression, etc. are not applied to my VSTs anymore.

I even removed the device and re-installed it from scratch but that didn't help.

It's really strange as I didn't have any problems before the update. The Mod, Expression and Volume got recorded and worked globally as intended.

The faders are recognized correctly and shown properly in the top-left and also in the midi-monitor.

Best Regards


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 30, 2021 by christophfal (230 points)
Best answer
Okay, completely removing the Code-61 from the list of available devices and setting it up from scratch did the trick. Should have tried this before... I tried 900 things but not this one.