Questions & Answers

Convert Velocity to Modulation

+10 votes
asked Sep 12, 2021 in MIDI Editing by andreasscherren (230 points)

I'd like to convert velocity values of my performance to a nice modulation curve.

The best would be if it there were several conversion types:

- Linear (just converting velocity values 1:1 to modulation curves with straight lines connecting each curve point)

- Strings (creating waves that connect the velocity values)

- Woodwinds (like Strings, but more in line on how Woodwinds work)

- Brass (like Strings, but more in line on how Brass work)

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 19, 2022 by gavinsteiner (1,250 points)
0 votes
answered Jul 19, 2023 by andrewsimmons3 (430 points)
Would love to see this, as well as a real-time option. For example, I could tell Bitwig (or Reaper or Ableton) to match Pianoteq's felt pedal position with key velocity, so softly pressing the keys adds a lot of felt to the piano, and the felt gradually disappears at higher velocities.
