Questions & Answers

Will an audio interface upgrade improve my latency?

+1 vote
asked Sep 1, 2021 in Studio One 5 by rorymcentyre (130 points)

This may seem like a no-brainer to some but I just cannot find a straight forward answer to my problem.  I'm running Studio One and using a ********* UM2 interface.  When I play an instrument and attempt to monitor it, I have a noticeable level of latency.  I have already attempted the whole 'change your block size' thing and it simply won't work.  I have two options...A) is the ASIO4ALL which goes with the UM2 and, to make it work, my block size dictates at least a 24ms round trip latency exist and B) is the built in Windows Audio which locks in my block size and sample rate so I absolutely can't even try  to change this.  I can either not change my parameters (Windows Audio) or have to change them in such a way that is makes my latency even worse (ASIO4ALL).

So to be very straight forward...will upgrading my audio interface (say to something by Presonus since I use Studio One) give me the ability to adjust my block size so I can reduce my latency?  

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 3, 2021 by wesleypeterson (21,060 points)
Normally I'd say upgrading your interface won't make much of a difference. But this one is a little odd as it doesn't have a legit ASIO driver. ASIO4ALL is made by an enthuist, who I think is a badass! But ASIO4ALL isn't a proper ASIO driver either it's a wrapper for a windows driver. So you might be able to get a little bit better latecy from a device with a proper ASIO driver but not knowing anything else about your setup I there's no way I can say for sure. But yes a proper ASIO driver will let you adjust your block size and you should be able reduce your latency, just be aware at a certain point it will start crackling and popping if you have the latency too low.