Questions & Answers

Download Old Version of Studio One (v3)

0 votes
asked Sep 4, 2021 in Studio One 5 by hztzibkk (120 points)
I have a license for Studio One v5 that came with my interface. It works fine on my main computer. However my other computer is 32-bit and runs Windows 7 so I can't install v5 on it. It can't be upgraded. I read that even v4 won't work on a 32-bit system. Is it possible to download and activate a copy of v3 with my current license?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 5, 2021 by mattbennett1 (4,080 points)
No it is not possible. You would need to purchase an old version of S1 and add it to your account. I did the same thing, and it took quite a while to find one for sale.