Questions & Answers

I have a studiolive 16.4.2 AI and need more inputs!

0 votes
asked Mar 30, 2016 in Ai Mixers by seankraemer (150 points)
Hey there presonus peeps! I have studio live 16.4.2 AI and i would need more inputs! I use it for live sound and in my home studio. I know you can daisy chain two AI mixers, but i was wondering if could do the same with an RM mixer or the 192 studio or any other interface/ mixer. I ultimately would like a rack mixer for live gigs, but something thats still functional in a studio setting. Thoughts?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 25, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer
You can add and RM Mixer, as per its design to be able to do so.

- This would be the way to expand the 16.4.2AI without adding another console.