Questions & Answers

Where to find default and user presets

+1 vote
asked Apr 3, 2016 in Studio One 2 by sounddecision (160 points)
Hi there, I'm using S1 V2 Pro version, Apple Mac mini 2.3Ghz quadCore-i7 Mac-OSX v.10.8.5, PreSonus FirestudioProject.

In which folder , by default, are all S1-plugin-presets stored ?

In which folder , by default, are all S1-plugin-user-presets stored ?

I know I can import and export presets, but :

If I import a preset from any folder location, then modify it and store it again, is it than stored in the same place from where I imported it, or anywhere else, and if so, where ?

tanx for helping !

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 28, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer

By default, the presets are stored in the following locations:

OS X: Applications > Studio One 3 (Right-click, Show Packages) > Contents > Presets - In this directory, you will find PreSonus and User Presets.

WINDOWS: Documents > Studio One > Presets - In this directory, you will find PreSonus and User Presets.

When importing a Preset, it is best to press use Store Preset button inside the instruments interface.This will place the preset in the correct folder:

