Questions & Answers

Atom SQ: Is there a way to save user settings as default or load with a session?

+4 votes
asked Oct 9, 2020 in Atom Pad Controllers by kevinoliver4 (180 points)
ATOM SQ's programmable user settings are great, but once I close Studio One and then open it back again, the user settings revert back to factory.  There are 4 pages for user settings, but who's got the patience to reinput them every time a session is loaded, much less remember how they had 4 pages of commands set up.  Even saving with the project would be an improvement, but that's not the case, or am I missing something?

3 Answers

+2 votes
answered Oct 12, 2020 by oscargarza3 (8,420 points)
The User buttons should save and be the same even when you close a session. You can try going to the Help Menu in Studio One, then Open Settings Folder, then delete the file MusicDevice.settings. NOTE, you may want to make a copy of this and place it somewhere else on your drive if you have custom devices or device settings as deleting the file will remove the settings / devices.
0 votes
answered Mar 21, 2021 by johnharmse (240 points)
Maak eerst een nieuwe song en save daar alle plugin instellingen.
Deze instellingen werken nu ook op alle nieuwe songs.
P.s Dit werkt echter niet op songs die eerder gemaakt zijn.
Mocht je deze openen dan werken deze instellingen niet.
Wijzig daar ook niet weer de plugin instellingen anders ben je alle instellingen weer kwijt. Je kunt wel eerst alle plugins verwijderen uit je oude song en ze ervervolgens weer inzetten, maar dan moet je alles weer opnieuw mixen. Niet doen dus.!!!!  Misschien dat Presonus hier een oplossing voor heeft of in de toekomst. Gr. John
0 votes
answered Mar 21, 2021 by johnharmse (240 points)
First create a new song and save all plugin settings there.
These settings now also work on all new songs.
P.s However, this does not work on songs that have been previously created.
If you open it, these settings will not work.
Do not change the plugin settings there, otherwise you will lose all settings. You can first remove all plugins from your old song and then use them again, but then you have to mix everything again. So don't. !!!! Perhaps Presonus has a solution for this or in the future. Gr. John