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Need Better Virtual Instruments - Cannot find Quality Ones

+1 vote
asked Nov 20, 2021 in Studio One 5 by scottriddick (230 points)
Hello, I purchased Studio One with Midi keyboard, drum pad, packs of instruments. I do not like how the instruments sound on Studio one. To me they sound cheap. Even on google it said the downside of StudioOne was its dearth if instruments. When i hear a Korg or speciifically the 1000 sounds on the Roland Juno-DS, i hear the exact sounds I want. I do not want to keep buying sound packs that are not the quality I want. My gial is to find the sounds if the Roland Junio and upload them to Studio one., I have not had luck yet. My second goal is if I cannot get the sounds, scrap Studio one and start over with a Roland, seperatr drum machine. DAW to get the real quality sounds. Even the drum sounds are not on a level of a quality drum machine.

Any help getting better quaiity sound is very appreciated. I have been trying ffor a while.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 2, 2021 by jrgmanfredhuser (1,030 points)
There are some VST-Instruments with bread and butter sounds available. One of the cheapest ist "Xpand2" by "Air", sometimes you can get it for 1$. At Korg you can get the Triton-PlugIn (about 200$), but it may sound a little outdated. You also might take a look at Steinberg's Halion Sonic (or Halion 6). That's my favourite for all the basic Sounds.
0 votes
answered Jan 1, 2022 by arminb (940 points)
There are 3rd party options, but compared to Logic and Cubase, why we need to spend extra for them since we're paying a good sum for S1. Logic for 200 Usd. has an amazing array of options. Studio One 6 must include more, better sounding VSTs.