Questions & Answers

Enhance the Startup Newsfeed by User Preferences

+19 votes
asked Dec 6, 2021 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by Lokeyfly (1,750 points)
Studio One users come from different  products, as well as pay-by-month subscribers.  Often content (namely Sphere related) cannot be accessed to S1 Pro and Artist users leaving the user chasing  unobtainable subject matter that both wastes time, and puts off much if the valued backbone of Studio One's success. Given newsfeeds also cover many topics, a really handy way of tailoring news would be to choose what content applies.. This would benefit those utilizing Notion. Studio One, Sphere, Studio Live (or all).  Also topic related are tips and tricks,  Artist News, etc.

Feature Request: A Options/Preferences/Startup tab to include selectable news feed preferences. Selection should include check boxes to users relevant needs.

The Startup Presences check list might look like:
(reference only)
* Updates available (non checkable)
*Presonus - Related (product, and General News)
*All related product news and access
*Tips and Tricks
*Sphere news and related
*Mastering related
*Outside products - Presonus endorsed

 It should be easy enough for developers to tag the News Feed in the Studio One Start Page categorized to subject content. The end user thereby selects their preferred news topics, in the Options/Startup. Much like any opening preference settings from a web news feed. This also illustrating Studio One's vast product and customer diversity.

Please vote yes, and enjoy a more personalized startup to your production, compositional, and recording/mastering/performamce goals. In the end, this makes Studio One look even more personalized, so that users, products, and a feeling of association benefit. Thank You for taking the time to vote!
FR not to bump any priority content, but to enhance the DAW/product and associative experience-

1 Answer

+3 votes
answered Apr 21, 2022 by gregghart (1,000 points)
Absolutely yes!  Those of us that paid out right for Pro, Notion, and many of your plug-ins and don't feel the need to pay $165 a year to use software we already purchased don't care to see videos we can't access in the newsfeed.  It's rude.  It's distasteful and it's actually quite insulting.