Questions & Answers

After moving AudioBend markers, some markers make super short "gap" in audio.

+2 votes
asked Dec 8, 2021 in Editing by Kevinlee87 (540 points)

 After moving AudioBend markers, some markers make super short "gap" in audio.

 It's audible and after I bounce that Audio Bended files, I've checked in Izotope RX's spectral view, and there is super short empty gap in audio which I placed audio bend marker. I think it's randomly happening. I have to use RX to fix this empty gaps every time after I use Audio bend feature.

 Audio Bend in S1 is very powerful feature, I always use this for edit timing of orchestral recording data as group (which using 20~40 mic per sections).

Sorry for my ugly English... But please make this feature perfect!
