Hi everyone,
I would like to make a request for this idea I call "channel presets". I'm sure a lot more people would find this a very useful feature, specially those with a fixed in and output routing recording instruments but I'm sure that there are more advantages to gain with this feature either on a workflow or a creative level.
The idea is simple: being able to store a channels state (input and output of your interface or internal s1 routing + volume fader + panning + insert fx + arm/monitor state and maybe even the channel colour) into a preset which you can recall later. This works exactly as you would save an instrument or fx preset but this time for a channel.
Not having to setup the same settings over and over would save a lot of time and wont distract from the creative progress. Ideally you would be able to program these presets under a hotkey or macro.
Thumbs up if you guys also find this kind of functionality useful in this already amazing daw.
I made a small mockup of how this feature might look to give a better impression.

• what would happen if for example you switched audio interface and therefor a channel preset is "broken" because it cant find the right i/o settings anymore. Well ... i would say it should do exactly that: prompting a mismatch : so you can fix the routing and save your new - or "update" your old preset.
• I worked with a lot of work arounds like setting up a template for all in and output channels but this is just cluttering everything and is not very convenient.