Questions & Answers

Studio One 6 on ilok 3 dongle

–2 votes
asked Dec 13, 2021 in Studio One 5 by lm1 (530 points)
Alternative Ilok3 Dongle Activation for Studio One 6

3 Answers

–1 vote
answered Dec 16, 2021 by radimkolar (900 points)
No iLOK. If you like dongles just go to buy Cubase
–1 vote
answered Dec 19, 2021 by bobbyphillipps (1,760 points)
What? Why? You get 5 activations with Studio One, surely that's enough?
+1 vote
answered Jan 4, 2022 by lm1 (530 points)
ilok3 simultaneous with the current activation, not in place of.  If it detects an ilok dongle, it will skip the activation dialog.