Questions & Answers

Colorize MIDI Notes according to the chord track or scale [Completed 6.2]

+26 votes
asked Dec 19, 2021 in Completed Feature Requests by Mactrix (980 points)
recategorized Nov 11, 2023 by Lukas Ruschitzka

Actually there are only 3 options under the Color note in the Midi Editor (Part, Pitch and Velocity).

It would be great if we can colorize the notes according to the chord track (like cubase).

==> The note events get different colors depending on whether they match the current chord in the chord track.

==> Color note according to the Chords in the chord track or to the scale.

==> So 4 options would be great ==> Part, Pitch, Velocity, Scale and Chords


2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 6, 2022 by troyswartz (240 points)
It is surprising to me this doesn't exist.  Even Traktion Waveform (pro version with chord track) has this capability.  I saw another request regarding Midi note color regarding the sound variation type.  They could roll both of these into a small release.
0 votes
answered Jul 5, 2022 by nectario (680 points)
Please, please introduce this feature!!! This feature is a MUST. I was so used to seeing my notes colored based if they were in the chord or not when I used Cubase.

Thank you!