Questions & Answers

Atom SQ External Device Page Navigation PLEASE - Wait - OOPS!

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asked Dec 25, 2021 in Atom Pad Controllers by artjohnson (1,370 points)
edited Dec 25, 2021 by artjohnson
As an element of my ongoing "DITCH THE MOUSE" campaign I recently purchased an Atom SQ to use as my primary, hands-on external device controller for VST FX. For instance, I love my Fabfilter Q3 eq. But it seems I have to use a mouse to advance thru AutoFilled pages, which negates using the SQ as an effects controller at all. Can it even be done with SQ?

WAIT! UPDATE! Just found a vid online that shows that one can advance through the first eight pages of external device settings using a combo of the USER button (Hold down while) and Buttons A-H on the left. That's 64 encoder knobs! K!

Might wanna add that to the User Manual! Now...for button sets.....