Questions & Answers

Major overhaul of Presonus Studio One Supplied instruments

+7 votes
asked Jan 12, 2022 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by morganbryan (390 points)
It feels like Studio One's instruments have been left to wither and die. At the very least commissioning _hundreds_ of new sounds for Mai Tai (and other instruments) and revamping the browse functionality might be a start (maybe similar to Synthmaster Player). A major omission is the lack of a good drum plugin (Impact opening across 46 mixer channels is _so_incredibly annoying). The Presence, Artist Instrument, Kits are quite good but are missing a good jazz/brush kit, and FX kit (or two) and several ethnic kits.

One gets the feeling that PreSonus is trying to monetise these instruments with the paid for add-ons but unless they step up to the mark, we will all just go and look elsewhere (as I have done)

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 20, 2022 by ernestalbuquerque (1,880 points)
True this, I have stopped using Mai Tai becoz it's a bit limiting when it comes to inspiration and presets. Just get some popular YouTube synth lovers to make a bunch of cool amazing presets for Mai Tai, just like how Surge does with their Synth.
0 votes
answered Feb 20, 2022 by ernestalbuquerque (1,880 points)
You can easily get like 250-500 presets from a good sound designer. Try like Mike from Oversampled. Or maybe get in touch with Flume or some other popular Artists.

Even Gregor makes amazing synths, he can put in a couple hundred presets