Questions & Answers

Pause button, please!

0 votes
asked Jan 15, 2022 in Recording by Nothingness (1,510 points)
I just realized S1 doesn't have a pause button! Of course, it has a function with a stop button. Everybody knows the difference between pause and stop.

Please add Pause button in the next update!


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 8, 2023 by scott68 (350 points)
Yes Please... I want space bar to return (and I enable that feature), but some times I want to pause
0 votes
answered Jul 14, 2023 by jankbox (150 points)
Similar requests.

Like Cakewalk SONAR, SPACE returns the cursor to the start position when playback is stopped,
Shift+SPACE will return the cursor to the start position when playback is stopped.

What follows is a suggested implementation.
(1) When playback is stopped by Shift+SPACE, the operation is opposite to the setting of "Return to start when stopped".
(2) Add a setting for enabling/disabling the above behavior to the options.