Questions & Answers

Option to use DCA Mute like Mute Group

+1 vote
asked Feb 23, 2022 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by joshrempel (1,050 points)

The observation I have made so far is

  1. Create a Mute group consisting of channels 1-4
  2. Create a DCA consisting also of channels 1-4
  3. While both are unmuted, mute channel 2
  4. Mute the mute group and observe all the channels mute
  5. Unmute the Mute Group, observe channel 2 will remain muted (expected behavior)
  6. Mute the DCA, observe all the channels mute
  7. Unmute the DCA, and observe all the channels unmute including channel 2 (unexpected behavior)
  8. This appears to occur regardless of "Traditional DCA" mode. 
The request would be that DCA's unmute the same way as Mute Groups. This would be especially helpful on the 32SC where there are no user assignable buttons to map a mute group to. 
One reason why this would be super helpful is there are times I need to double assign an input for two different instruments (acoustic guitar & mandolin for example) and I would need to mute the band, but have it remember which instrument is muted so I don't have both unmuted at the same time.