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S1 NEEDS “MiDi Event List Editor” like LPX!!!

+22 votes
asked Mar 6, 2022 in MIDI Editing by (410 points)

S1 NEEDS “MiDi Event List Editor” like LPX!!!

One of the GLARING OVERSIGHTS that S1 continues to have, is the lack of a “MiDi Event List Editor” that is comprehensive & powerful!  Why???

How can this be that since 2015, people have been requesting that a “MiDi Event List Editor” be added to S1 and all our pleas have been constantly ignored  by Presonus???   Why???

PLEASE Presonus, PLEASE add a comprehensive & powerful “MiDi Event List Editor” to S1 that is at least equal to or perhaps better than the comprehensive/powerful midi event list editor that is contained in LPX (Logic Pro X)…. see screen shot attached.

While the piano roll editor and score editor that S1 has is very nice, S1's piano roll and score editor can not  and do not offer the kinds of detailed, minute and very granular midi event edits that are often needed by users in order to add, delete, manipulate and very fine tune certain midi events that a comprehensive midi event list editor can like you see in LPX (Logic Pro X).   Not to mention, sometimes the need to deal with sys-x data, etc.

After the last 7 years of ignoring users request to add a “Midi Event List Editor” to S1… Presonus…..will you PLEASE kindly respond to our collective plea?????

3 Answers

–1 vote
answered Mar 6, 2022 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,420 points)
+1 vote
answered Mar 15, 2022 by gariushill (370 points)
Hi Pro Music Maestro!  Have you ever received a reply to getting an event list?  I too am used to editing some things with an event list in other recording programs.  For instance, if ppqn is 960, then the upbeat would be at 480, sixteenth notes would be at 000, 240, 480, 720..... so if it was bar 5, the upbeat on beat 2 would look like 5/02/480.   Without ppqn, what would those numbers be in Studio One?  Why don't the leaders at Presonus understand this issue?
+1 vote
answered Jul 10, 2022 by MarciaFunebre (960 points)
Absolutely agree. An event list editor in S1 would be most welcome!