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Please give us an option to show note names or solfages on notes

0 votes
asked Apr 21, 2022 in MIDI Editing by stevexu3 (390 points)
edited Apr 24, 2022 by stevexu3

=== Original message ===

With note names (C,D,E....) shown on notes, I will have to calculate the solfage relative to the current key all the time, especially when working with a key that I'm not familiar with.

If S1 could show solfage(do,re,mi...) instead of note names(C,D,E...) on notes, it will be very helpful. And of coz it will be greater if there is an option to toggle between the 2 options.

Furthermore, a number system could also be an option. ie. instead of showing C,D,E..., S1 shows 1,2,3,... on notes if the current key is C.


Hi, patricemazmanian 

Maybe we are in the different systems of music. There are two kinds of solfages to my knowledge. The first one is what you have pointed out, in which the note C is always do, and note D is always re. We call it the fixed do system. The second one is the moving do system, in which the solfage do is always moving according to the key. if you are in D major, then D = do, E= re, F# = mi, G = fa.

It is the second scenario solfage I was referring to. It's always been brain consuming to calculate the correct solfage. But obviously, it has its own merit. such as, the tone triad is always do mi sol, and the dominant seven chord is always sol, ti, re, fa, no matter what key you are working with.

Actually, here in China, the moving do system is what we are using more frequently.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 23, 2022 by patricemazmanian (5,290 points)
there are only 7 note names to learn! I advise you to learn them, it's very simple.

A=la , B=si , C=do , D=ré , E=mi , la plus facile F=fa , et G=sol

Cordialement Patrice