Questions & Answers

Will Studio One export quicktime in the future?

0 votes
asked Apr 13, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by leopearson (520 points)
As I work in film and t.v. it is essential for me to export my music with the quicktime i'm working to. This doesn't seem possible at the moment with Studio One so i'd like to know is there any plans in the future to introduce Quicktime export as I'm sure a lot of media composers would like to switch over but this is preventing them from doing so.


3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 16, 2016 by Funkybot (21,640 points)
While I won't downvote this, because if you have a need for it others may too, I'd ask that if S1 were to implement Quicktime export that installing Quicktime be made entirely optional. As you probably already know, Quicktime has been officially abandoned on PC, and there are known zero-day exploits for Quicktime that are severe enough that the US Department of Homeland security is advising Windows users to uninstall Quicktime.
0 votes
answered Apr 16, 2016 by profirhino (620 points)
what funkybot said !

same for all those other wonderful proprietary Apple, Adobe, Sun, MS etc datamining brainf*rts, Flash, Java, Air, you name it.

stick with basic, open protocols that simply do the job, no "added value" required, and certainly no internet access !

FLAC is a good one for example, glad to see it supported.

this reply is mostly directed at future development, S1 3.21 works fine offline atm (except for a few quirks like access to the Macro toolbar), please keep it that way !

0 votes
answered Apr 18, 2016 by leopearson (520 points)
Ok I think I'm asking the wrong question here as I posted this before i knew about the Quicktime issues people are having. The video format isn't really the issue for me, I just would like to be able to bounce out my audio and video as one file without having to go to another DAW to put them together...Is this possible??