Questions & Answers

I have QuickTime installed, but Studio One 3 Professional won't play MOV movies.

+1 vote
asked Jul 7, 2016 in Studio One 3 by MatrixxSoundlab (160 points)
I have QuickTime installed, but Studio One 3 Professional won't play MOV movies. I need this for film.

Windows 10 Home

6.00 GB of RAM

64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 20, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer
As you may know, Quicktime has been discontinued. Studio One 3 has implemented a new and alternative program to compensate for the loss of Quicktime. Please make sure that you are on the latest version of Studio One v3.3.1+.