Questions & Answers

Atom and Reason integration

+3 votes
asked Apr 30, 2022 in Atom Pad Controllers by antg1 (740 points)
Greetings - I have successfully added the Atom MIDI controller as "other" in Reason 11 and 12. All works fine with the entire Left and Right navigation buttons as well as the Atom knobs within Reason | Kong.

However, the 16 pads on the Atom are not triggering any MIDI input in Reason. Reason is seeking the CC# for the 16 pads to work. In the Atom manual I can only locate the the Octave notes for the16 pads in the manual on pages 38 onward.

I found another post on this topic for a Sweetwater link but I'm past this. Another user stated press the recessed (non illuminated, black) Setup button + Pad 3 but unfortunately that was of no assistance.

In Kong I am choosing Edit Override Mapping on Pad 1, Kong is then seeking a CC number which I am unable to locate for the each of the 16 pads.

Any help would be great  - thanks
related to an answer for: Use my ATOM in Reason 11