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Capture3 Feature Request: Please make a way to export a mixed down mp3/WAV file from a recording in Capture 3.

+2 votes
asked May 2, 2022 in Capture for StudioLive by bibleholinessassemblyofgod (170 points)
Please add a feature in Capture3 to export a mixed down mp3/WAV file of the recording directly within Capture 3.  It is extremely disappointing that Capture3 does not allow this. The software is marketed as a simplified solution to capturing an event quickly without lots of set up/routing knowledge required. But ironically, then it requires a complicated multi-step process to achieve a simple mixed down copy of the tracks. It should include BOTH options - whether send the multi track files to a DAW for further mixing/etc. AND the option to instantly export the mixed down version. Please add this feature!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 5, 2022 by michaelmoran1 (140 points)

The Export Tracks section under the Session menu in Capture 3 may be what you are looking for.

From page 27 Capture3_ReferenceManual_EN_12102021.pdf (

10.2.3 Options 

The bottom section of the Export Tracks menu has several options that will affect how files are created: 

     • Export Session will export the entire range of your Session to the furthest point in time that any audio event on a track extends. 

     • Export Between Each Marker will export separate files for each range between the markers in the Marker Lane. 

     • Export Between Selected Markers will export audio files between the ranges of any two selected markers in the Marker Lane 
