Questions & Answers

Export Midi Program Changes

+17 votes
asked May 2, 2022 in MIDI Editing by pms1portugal (470 points)
Hellou PreSonus

I keep missing very much 2 fundamental issues in Studio One, to use as a professional musician and Studio Producer..

The possibility of using MIDI Program changes during a show is a Major utility for any Musician, (Keyboard, Guitar Player, or any other musician or Technician that does Stage Performance or Show Design, the possibility of having Automatation going on in a show is a Central and Major Issue to any Programmer, Please Allow the implementation of MIDI Program Change and export to MIDI Formats 0 and 1.

The second issue that is missing is the possibility of Writing and syncing Lirics or any other Information on Screen attached to the time line, a window to place in a third or forth screen is a vocal booth would be such a help for me.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 8, 2022 by averybryant1 (380 points)
This would make performance much easier. please add.