Questions & Answers

Why cant you use Universal Control without being connected to your mixer?

+16 votes
asked Aug 4, 2022 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by jasonalford (220 points)
I wanna be able to open and work in Universal Control to setup scenes to apply to my series 3 mixer later (like you can in ********* X-Edit) when my mixer is put up so I don’t have to go get it, wrestle it into the house and set it up in the living room and upset my wife, when I could easily do what I need to do from my laptop if that feature was available.


2 Answers

–6 votes
answered Aug 16, 2022 by amberpaul (90 points)

You cannot unless your mixer is digital. An analogue mixer is unable to assign channels through communication with your DAW. In my studio, I utilise a Control Surface. It connects via USB, my DAW(s) instantly identify it, and it assigns the channels on its own. Additionally motorised are the faders. As soon as I load a project or mix, they automatically snap into place and adhere to any automation I've created. Utilizing a Control Surface has the added benefit of giving you "control" over numerous other elements. such as choosing a track, arming, muting, soloing, controlling a plugin, and many other things. Depending on the make, model, and your DAW, it could be uncommon to utilise a mouse to carry certain tasks.

–2 votes
answered May 9, 2024 by camilajohnson (100 points) 1 flag

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