Questions & Answers

For Upgrade next Version Maybe ?

+2 votes
asked Aug 9, 2022 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by fabannains (170 points)
we have been using Studio One since version 3 several improvements have been incredible but I think there could still be other improvements for a constructive purpose :),

- It would be nice to have a possibility to be able to favorite samples or sample packs (if possible like VST)??
- it would be nice to be able to deactivate volume and pan automation by default on an audio track??
- be able to do in a MIDI track, for example, pitch bend integrated into MIDI, when I have selected several MIDIs to have the hand to modify all the pitch bend autmation at the same time without doing one by one (in the creation of an integrated automation at noon). you can by selecting all the MIDI erase at once but you can not create at once on several MIDI.

We are users in love with your software respect to you and thank you for this jewel of production, we even made change artists accustomed to FL lol to pass on Studio One 5, I can tell you that we make you a max of pub even if I think you don't need it but Studio One 5 is incredible, thank you again.

Fabien and Anna aka (Crazy We R French dj/Producer)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 12, 2022 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
Best answer
- Please choose meaningful titles for your requests. "For Upgrade next Version Maybe ?" is anything but a meaningful title.

- Please add only one request per thread so that people can vote for each one.

This thread will be removed in the next weeks.