Questions & Answers

Europe customer -will I get studio one 3 when buying itwo

+1 vote
asked Apr 19, 2016 in Studio One 3 by daliborkranjcic (160 points)
when buying personus itwo interface in Europe almost all sellers state that there is version 2 of the studio one included. So, my question is if I will get, despite that, the version 3 of studio one and how?

Kind regards,

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 20, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
Best answer
If the product is new (not used, not open box, not "as is") then you will be able to get Studio One 3 by following this guide:
0 votes
answered Apr 20, 2016 by gadget69 (31,130 points)

i2 comes bundled with Studio one artist. when you register your i2 you'll also get a software package (these are under separate headers, Software, and Hardware). Under the Software header you'll get Studio one, and there will be a download for Studio One 3, and the content associated with it.