Questions & Answers

Type in (Basic) chords in rename events

+1 vote
asked Sep 2, 2022 in Editing by michaelcollins (1,710 points)
I have Rename Events bound to F2 and I use it to rename my Arranger track items all the time.  SO easy.  (F2 is the key to rename stuff in Windows and Office)

Now I, just tried double clicking to add the chord pill to the Chord Track, then I selected it and hit F2. The rename events dialog comes up...

But if I type A or a or A minor in there, it doesn't change the chord from C to A minor. Regardless of what I type it stays the same.

Obviously, you can double click it and go through the Chord Selector.  But it would be a lot faster and more intuitive to just type "A" or "A major" or "Amaj7" in there and it updates the chord without having to open the wheel and navigate the chord selector interface, as nice as that is.  It's still easier to just type in the chord you want.  

To start I would include Major, minor, maj7, dom7 and min7, dim and dim7, which are used all the time.  And everything else more complicated you can go to the chord selector wheel.  But it would be awesome to be able to type 13 chords and such in as well. For minor chords let people use the lower case "a b c" or type in Major or Minor after it. etc.

Also, wouldn't hurt to have "Rename Event" be an item on right click, especially for Arranger track where it already works as expected, but you have to bind a key to get there