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HELP! Studio 1824c audio glitches

0 votes
asked Sep 13, 2022 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by martybyrne (180 points)
My Studio 1824c interface is connected to my Apple MacBook Pro via USB C and often when I am opening a new application (whether it's watching a movie with VLC, switching to Youtube on Chrome, or working in Ableton Live) I get an audio dropout glitch that chops up the audio at regular intervals.

The only workaround is for me to turn the interface off and on, but I am getting a bit frustrated having to do this constantly.

Can anyone suggest a solution?

I bought this device to replace my 10 year old Focusrite Saffire 56 (because my new Macbook doesn't support Firewire) and I never had any audio glitch issues with the Focusrite in all that time!

The experience I'm having with this Presonus interface is that it's not very reliable and quite glitchy, overall.

Any help would be great! Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 8, 2023 by naringayle (160 points)
have you had any luck with this? i have the same issue and cant find a fix