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Tape / Repitch / Sampler / Turntable mode for Timestretching [Completed 5.0]

+315 votes
asked Apr 20, 2016 in Completed Feature Requests by tedannemann (1,420 points)

Besides time and pitch it would be great to have a classic tape mode for time stretching as well (compare Ableton Live's Re-Pitch, Bitwig's Repitch or Cubase's Tape mode).


Re-Pitch Mode (taken from the Live manual)

"In Re-Pitch Mode, Live doesn’t really time-stretch or compress the music; instead, it adjusts the playback rate to create the desired amount of stretching. In other words, to speed up playback by a factor of 2, it’s transposed up an octave. This is like the “DJ stretching method“ of using variable-speed turntables to sync two records, or what happens to samples in traditional samplers when they’re transposed."

Tape Mode (taken from the Cubase manual):

"Locks the pitch shift to the time stretch as if playing back a tape with varying speed. If you stretch the audio material, the pitch decreases automatically. This variant has no effect if you use it with event transpose or the transpose track."

As Studio One 3 uses zplane's Elastique algorithms as well I hope the addition of the "Tape" mode / algorithm shouldn't be that complicated.

22 Answers

+9 votes
answered Apr 21, 2016 by Skip Jones (166,990 points)
selected May 30, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+9 votes
answered Aug 24, 2016 by penguin42 (1,310 points)
+1 I've wanted this for a while, and it seems like a pretty trivial feature to implement (it can already be achieved by doing some math and setting the time /pitch values appropriately, but it would be very convenient to have it built in).
+4 votes
answered Aug 27, 2016 by slavasemenikhin (750 points)
+1 !!! This one would be so good so have. IDK why it's still not there along with arpeggiator FREE mode and Macro Knob automation!
+8 votes
answered Aug 27, 2016 by slavasemenikhin (750 points)
I think the best way to do that would be to add some link button, which will lock down the relation between transpose and speedup, so if you transpose audio will get shorter or longer ..Boom!
+8 votes
answered Dec 17, 2016 by akademiarealizacji (690 points)
I really miss this feature from other daws. Especially for drum loops .

I don't want to lose dynamics of my loops by timestrech processing :(

So...tape mode (repitch) is really needed.
+4 votes
answered Jul 22, 2017 by NathanAlexander1 (770 points)
Omg YES, I can't wait for them to add this.
+5 votes
answered Nov 22, 2017 by davidlindvall1 (590 points)
Darn it! I really need more timestretching algorithms, especially Re-pitch like in Ableton. Would hate to switch between DAWs to be able to do this... Please add more algorithms :D
+4 votes
answered Dec 29, 2017 by robertsinger (430 points)
edited Dec 29, 2017 by robertsinger

This is the one, very simple tool that is absolutely essential to my workflow, that Studio One does not have (and thus, I have to stay with cubase for the time being). The ability to change the pitch of an audio file, and for its speed to change accordingly (like the effect of slowing a tape machine down).

Cubase currently has an offline processing pitch shifter [WITH THE OPTION OF TURNING TIME CORRECTION OFF], that enables the manipulation of audio clips via a little keyboard, which is perfect. This can be done in semitones, cents, or as a graph curve and can be seen in this clip:

This is a MUST for any DAW that calls its self a serious tool for music production and composition.

+5 votes
answered Dec 29, 2017 by robertsinger (430 points)

I asked tech support about adding this feature, and they said the following:

Support Specialist December 16, 2017 19:19:
Unfortunately, tech support has no ability to influence which features are implemented into Studio One

...So I am using the forums to ask for this feature.

+7 votes
answered Jan 31, 2018 by joeljossie (5,340 points)
BUMP. This is such a basic feature. It's literally less work for the algorithms. Why has this not been implemented already??
+6 votes
answered Jun 2, 2018 by penguin42 (1,310 points)
Studio one 4 adds all sorts of fancy new pitch/chord manipluation and we still don't have a simple resample based stretch! Come on, how hard can it be?
+5 votes
answered Jun 8, 2018 by mOvy (720 points)
it´s ridiculous that we still lack this simple yet essential feature. please, let us disable timestretching.
+4 votes
answered Sep 5, 2018 by jisaska1 (350 points)
such an essantial and basic feature for any daw. i seriously cant believe its not in studio one. how is this not a top priority request? its a must when youre sampling or making any kind of sound design. the current algorithms for stretching sound are just bad. if i knew this was missing i would never buy studio one. i have to frequently switch to other daws because of this which is really ruining my workflow.
+6 votes
answered Sep 14, 2018 by ramunasvabolis (970 points)
This has been posted in 2016 and despite having so many votes has not been added to studio 4!!! Why on earth is that? Its such a needed feature. My friend is selling his Studio One licence simply because there is no feature like this.

Seriously so many votes and still nothing wow im shocked. Whats the point of this voting then at all.
+3 votes
answered Nov 10, 2018 by tracyterhorst (600 points)
Please, please add this feature! It's not worth upgrading to V4 if I still have to load up samples in another Software and re-import it to S1 just to perform such a basic task. It kills the workflow big time and is by far the biggest frustration when working with Studio One (which otherwise is really amazing to work with!)

Come on PreSonus, every other DAW can do this since forever.
+5 votes
answered Nov 16, 2018 by mgpmusic (620 points)
This feature is incredibly necessary. Please implement asap!
+4 votes
answered Jan 10, 2019 by michaellangdon (500 points)
The lack of this feature is one of the only things making me unsure about from switching from Ableton.
+3 votes
answered Feb 11, 2019 by ramunasvabolis (970 points)
This feature not being implamented in Version 4 and a talk with Presonus employee made me understand this wount be implamented in the near future or at all in version 4 lifetime, so therefore im selling my licence since this feature is crucial to my work.
+4 votes
answered Feb 13, 2019 by stevelindqvist (800 points)
This is so important. I can't see why this should be a big thing. Couldn't it be accomplished through some kind of macro controlling "Speedup" and "Transpose" at the same time?
+1 vote
answered Mar 14, 2020 by rolandk1 (170 points)
In Acid Pro 8 its called "Preserve Pitch when Streching" and you can tick it on or off and then you get the elastique streching when is ticked on and natural streching when is ticked off, please add in the feature! this makes the drum loops sound without any artefects when chenging speed.
+1 vote
answered Mar 18, 2020 by robcolling (1,390 points)
I use this function all the time, and at the moment I have to go outside S1, perform the re-pitch in Ableton Live, then import back into S1.

This seems like a huge omission from S1's otherwise-impressive timestretching/bending abilities. It's very important to me, and I would be very pleased and relieved to see it included in a future release.
+1 vote
answered Mar 23, 2020 by michaelreid7 (740 points)
I'm a newer user to S1 and I cant believe it doesnt have this simple feature. I use alot of samples for my music and this is crucial to my process and  sure for alot of others. I really hope they implement this soon. Right now I have to use Fl studio in combination with S1 to do this  or calculate the pitch and time relationship which you can imagine is a huge disruptance in workflow.

This feature needs to be added asap. I can see people dropping this daw for the lack of that feature alone.