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BUG: Transform to rendered audio removes all layers

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asked Apr 4, 2024 in Studio One 6 by niclasgustafsson1 (2,390 points)

So... It's half past midnight and I'm puzzling together 60 layers of guitar recordings... Because a bug from 2019 (or perhaps earlier, but found posts from back then mentioning it...) isn't squashed yet.. 

When transforming audio to rendered audio and back again, studio one removes all layers! Gone. 

I transformed a few tracks yesterday during a recording session to manage cpu performance. Didn't notice until today when it was time to mix... Auto save only saved from end of the session, and by then the misstake was already done... Now I have been sitting for hours. This is loosing me money!!! 

It's crazy that this bug isn't fixed yet! It's been more than five years!!! Come on guys. 


Studio one 6 (next to latest version. Not the one released yesterday...) , MacOS Ventura, MacBook Pro 16" M2Pro 32gb. 
