Questions & Answers

Can't get win 10 Tablet to connect to Studiolive 32S over network using Universal Control.

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asked Oct 29, 2022 in StudioLive Series III by richardhume1 (120 points)
We have a Studio live 32c desk in our church. We have a windows surface tablet running win10 64bit that is connected wirelessly through the network to the desk. Universal control works fine on this and is great for doing remote mixing. We also have mobile phones connected the same way to provide local mixing for monitor speakers.

We have a HP tablet running win10 32bit which we are wanting to connect the same way but when you run Universal control (32 bit version) the studio live 32c desk does not show up. The tablet is connected fine to the same network as the desk so I am out of ideas as to why it can't find the desk. Any ideas?