Questions & Answers

Autostore doesn't work anymore

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asked Nov 5, 2022 in Ai Mixers by emmanuelemangano1 (120 points)
We have for some year now a, studio live 16.4.2 Ai.
It has always worked perfectly and without any problems.
Since a few weeks, it would always go to a particular scene when turning on.
With a colleague of mine we tried to reset it to factory settings, inilitially it seemed to have solved the problem, but soon after we noticed that, it automatically goes to S1 Zero Out scene, (all normal you will think) the thing is that it does not save automatically and every time we make some changes we have to save the scene manually. In case of accidental shutdown it resets everything--and goes flat.

we realized that the "store" button no longer lights up every 10 seconds or so.
(Is there any setting to reactivate it? in the manual I couldn't find anything.

thanks in advance.