Questions & Answers

Plug in wont load due to prior crash, is there a way to clear this?

0 votes
asked Nov 7, 2022 in Studio One 6 by anthonygreutman (190 points)
I had an issue woth Eventide 2016 Stereo Room plug in that had crashed.  Now when I starft S1, it states that is has skipped loading this plug in because it had crashed before.  I tried uininstalling and reinstalling the plug in to no effect.  Is there some where where this can be cleared so S1 will at least try to load it again?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 8, 2022 by dougasherman (370 points)
You can try this: go to Options -> Locations -> VST Plug-Ins and click the button that says "Reset The Blocklist". Then restart S1

If that does not work:

You can bring up the Plugin Manager (on the Mac, it's View -> Plug-in Manager), you can remove all of your plugin settings. That will force S1 to rescan all of the plugins. This might be kind of extreme, but it's the only solution I know of if resetting the blocklist fails.