Questions & Answers

How to record music with Studio One and Imitone?

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asked Dec 26, 2022 in Studio One 6 by richardsorba (120 points)
Hi! I am a very beginning user of Studio One. I have another software, Imitone, which transcribes voice in music. I want to use it with Studio One, to sing using Imitone and with a MIDI channel to record in Studio One. Alas, in the YouTube Imitone videos, there is an example with Ableton Live but not with Studio One.

In the setup of Imitone, I have the field Midi Control with the values “Midi 2.0” and “imitone app-to-app.” In Studio One, there is a setting Synchronization, in the Preferences. The interface is in French and says “Synchro sur des appareils externes”, I checked the option. I have 2 fields, MIDI Time Code and MIDI Machine Control. I can choose “Imitone app-to-app” in each of those fields. But nothing happens if I do that with both fields, the first only or the second only. The text next to MIDI Time Code stays on “stopped” (à l’arret, in French). When I try to record something, it does not work. I can record music with mouse clicks, but not Imitone.
What am I doing wrong? Or is it impossible to record music from another MIDI software with Studio One? Searching on the Net, I found a lot of videos for connecting a music MIDI instrument, but not other software.

Thank you for your help.
