Questions & Answers

Why is my Studio1810c not interfacing with Windows10 correctly?

+2 votes
asked Jan 1, 2023 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by peterblair1 (140 points)
I am attempting to use a Presonus1810c with my windows laptop. the Sound manager in Control Panel and the sound menu in the Settings menu do not see the 1810c as single device, but rather it lists all the inputs and outputs individually. (Main Out 1/2, Line in 1/2, SPDIF in, Etc.) So when i try to use any program like Studio One or Davinci Resolve Fairlight, those programs will only see the one channel selected in control panel, meaning I can only use two of the four XLRs at a time and only one output at a time, unlike on my workplace Mac which sees the 1810c as a single device and programs can see ALL inputs and outputs simultaneously. I should also note the Universal Control is installed.

What's happening and how do I fix this?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 1, 2023 by mattbennett1 (4,080 points)

I don't know about Fairlight, but in Studio One you need to change the Song setup. In Windows Control Panel Sound setup I have the default sound Playback set to Main Out L/R and the default Recording set to Mic/Inst 1/2. Then in Studio One open any song (or just create a new temporary one) and go to Song Setup under the Song menu. Click the Audio I/O Setup box, delete(remove button) the 3 default Inputs(LR, L, R) and then click Add (mono) as many times as the number of inputs you have. I setup stereo ones as well, but is up to you. Do the same for the output tab. You can rename or change the order the way you like. Once you have it how you want hit Make Default. Now it will set the in/outs for ever new song you create/open and you can select all the ins and outs.
