Questions & Answers

Functional advantages of choosing to use a Presonus interface (e.g., Quantum) with Studio One

0 votes
asked Jan 15, 2023 in Studio One 6 by darryllong (130 points)
Hello. I'd like to know that functional (aside from bundled software) advantages of choosing to use a Presonus interface (I'm considering the Quantum series) for use with Studio One (I already own the Pro version). Could you please list these advantages for me?

Thanks very much, Darryl

1 Answer

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answered Feb 4, 2023 by tothrec (32,280 points)
Unless you choose an interface with built in effects, I don't think there is an advantage.

There may be tighter integration, but if the interface you choose is well built and has good drivers, you'll be fine.