Questions & Answers

How do I switch between "track view" and "time stretch" view?

0 votes
asked Feb 9, 2023 in Studio One 6 by ricoliva (240 points)


I selected an audio track and pressed "Q." The track turns black and I can see the lines that the audio was quantized to. It sounds great. But now I don't want to see the time stretch view anymore, I just want to see the audio. How do I do that?

In pictures, this is what it looks like:

And, this is what I want it to look like:

I am using Studio One 3. I am sure I am using the incorrect names, so as part of your response please tell me the correct terminology so I can find answers easier in the future. 

Thank you!

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Feb 9, 2023 by ricoliva (240 points)
Best answer

I figured it out. Right-click on the track and uncheck "bend marker."

0 votes
answered Feb 9, 2023 by colinotoole (16,870 points)
Hi. You've probably got the bend tool selected and the little eye icon that is part of it. Just toggle the eye icon to toggle the view..  but the bend markers will still be there until you 'bounce' the part.