Questions & Answers

How do I switch between different FX tracks?

0 votes
asked Aug 2, 2018 in Studio One 4 by bozbriers (150 points)

I have a track in SO4 which is being sent to four different FX tracks. The original source track is muted by pulling the fader down. I have different effects chains on each of the four FX tracks and I only ever want one playing at any one time, so in essence three of them are always muted.

I'd like to be able to automate which of the four tracks is playing at particular points in the song but the only way that I can think to do it is literally by automating mutes for three of the tracks and unmuting the one I want to play.

I'm looking for a more elegant solution, like an actual switch which can be automated which selects which of the four tracks is playing. Is this possible?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 4, 2018 by Bbd (14,370 points)
selected Aug 10, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer

Currently, automating your FX sends is the best way to go IMO.
