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Please allow separate Playback and Recording Devices in Windows. PLEASE!

+13 votes
asked Feb 9, 2023 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by Brentalonious Monk (920 points)
I would love to have the ability to chose a different recording device and playback device in windows 10 You know... like ALL the videos show. But it seems impossible in Windows, only MAC. It would be great to have, say a virtual cable for a playback, or PC speakers for playback. For referencing or routing purposes. I like to use effects for my D&D Nights. I use my MIC in from interface and send out to virtual cable in Reaper. But I purchased Studio one and would rather do it all in there. Something easy as a click of a button. like MAC users get. I guess the universal control you can swap back and forth. But then that changes your recording device as well. Annoying. Please let us windows users have this option as well. I would like to have multiple monitor sources i can switch to easily WITHOUT compromising my recording interface/settings. Just for playback or output. U.C. Is not as great as it seems and it seems like it is limiting us Windows users.  MAC doesn't get UC but gets more options. Boo!

4 Answers

–2 votes
answered Feb 9, 2023 by colinotoole (16,890 points)
I have no idea what you are talking about.
+1 vote
answered Feb 10, 2023 by Brentalonious Monk (920 points)

colinotoole Thanks for the non-response. If you don't know what I'm talking about I'm guessing your on MAC or just don't care. No need to downvote me because you don't know. If you actually have this option, and are on PC maybe the best thing to do would be to let me know you have this option and for some reason I don't. Maybe give me an idea of how you have this option and I don't. if you have any insight. This is a community Fforum and you are not helping at all.

But as stated above I would like to have the ability to chose a recording and playback device independently as it is on MAC. Unless they have stripped that option from MAC, all the videos I see have that option on MAC but it is not on PC. It only has the option to pick the interface. No separate playback and recording device options. Again, as stated above. This is a feature request. I have the latest version of UC..

+1 vote
answered Feb 10, 2023 by colinotoole (16,890 points)
Hi. Sorry to have misunderstood you. I have removed my downvote.
0 votes
answered Jul 6, 2023 by conholster (170 points)
AFAIK this is limitation of Windows OS.