Questions & Answers

How come there is no slicer program/application like Fl studio slicer?

+1 vote
asked May 1, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by beatsmith (330 points)
OK so I've notice in this number 1..does not come equip with a slicer application just a slice tool..which is time consuming  for a producer like me with very little time. It's cool to have and learn but I've come from having the DAW FL studio and I could slice by just a button.Logic has a tool I believe or I could be wrong and of course Reason. Why not you guys? It is very hard to trim a sliced sample in impact because you might have to zoom in and get it precise.  Sample one I truly thought you could also use this tool not only to sample but slice up your samples. Nooooo. Cant.  Please make this a request. Its very much needed.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 4, 2016 by niles (54,670 points)
edited May 4, 2016 by niles
Not the most sophisticated slice tool, but with audio bend you can slice fairly easy. After that you can drop all slices at once to Impact by selecting all slices and dropping them on Impact's sample view.
0 votes
answered Feb 14, 2021 by mtur (330 points)
I have asked this exact question at a Studio One event here in Germany to Arnd Kaiser himself about two years ago, because I too love the Slicer in FL Studio and the way you can rearrange slices on the fly, which can not be recreated with Presence XT or SampleOne XT. He seemed a bit confused and didn't understand why one would really need this. Now that Steinberg have updated the Cubase Sampler track with this exact feature, I wonder if Presonus are going to think about this again. It certainly made me buy a Cubase license for the first time in my life!