Questions & Answers

Is it possible to run an application which uses the asio driver while another program uses the Windows audio system?

0 votes
asked Jul 5, 2017 in AudioBox USB by adrianomelis (200 points)
With my old audio interface i used a VST host, linked to the ASIO driver, to play external instruments (guitar...) or sound modules (virtual synths) while reproducing music or videos on a Windows PC.

I would like to know if this is possible with the AudioBox 44VSL, which I would eventually purchase.



3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 5, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
If the application has a way to select the audio device yes.  For instance, if you are using Studio One and a sound module like Kontakt. You can set Studio One to use the AudioBox 44, and set Kontakts audio preferences to use Windows Audio.  But, if the the software has no option to set an audio device, that device will automatically use whatever you have set as default audio in Windows Sound panel.
0 votes
answered Jul 7, 2017 by adrianomelis (200 points)
I wish just to make sure that when an application uses ASIO the others continue to output sound using the Windows default audio system (and that is possible to mix the sound of both sources)

With other interfaces this is not possible, while on others it is.

Thanks again
0 votes
answered Oct 7, 2019 by jimsutherland (860 points)
What you are describing is largely dependent on the hardware capabilities of the motherboard in your computer, I just upgraded(replaced) my computer and the new one does this easily and is mentioned as a feature in its documentation and my old one never could do this. There are times when I use Ultimate Tabs playback thru my browser to work and learn parts while also recording in S1  and sometimes switching back and forth on the fly. Machines that are billed as Business Elite or Business Power user machines or Gaming machines with I5's and I7's are whats needed. Some Audio drivers do not like to be switched on the fly and will be problamatic but software options are also the way as previosly mentioned , but hardware facilitating this is a more stable implementation that prevents driver conflicts