Questions & Answers

Cant get mix outs to work

0 votes
asked May 4, 2023 in StudioLive Series III by danharris8 (120 points)

I cannot work out how to get audio out of the mix outs on the studiolive mix outs. I have searched everywhere for this seemingly straightforward problem with no luck.

I want to route a track or group of tracks out a mix out (like i would on a normal interface) to go to a hardware unit and then be able to have a new track record the output of the hardware unit.

Alternatively, when using the pipeline plugin I cannot get the mix output to send the track. All I get is the tape input. So confusing as if i mute the tape input on the mix output then I get nothing. There is no other audio running through the other tracks.

Even if I get that working, how do I listen to the new track with the original track muted so I can hear only the processed audio? All of this was incredibly easy and intuitive on Reaper which I used to use before getting the studiolive + studio one.

There must be some audio routing that is going wrong but nowhere can i find what to do or how to test it.

It would be nice if there was even one video of start to finish hooking up the hardware unit and using a studiolive mixer and doing the routing but I can't find one.



2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 17, 2023 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
It would be very helpful if you included:

1.  What console?

2. What firmware?

3. What outputs are you trying to use (aux, matrix, sub, FOH)?

4. Are you using Presonus Stage Boxes?
0 votes
answered May 27, 2023 by Dorday (4,680 points)
I totally understand your frustration.  I was there.  You have to first wrap your head around how the USB send/returns work and how digital patching work.  Then perhaps wrap your head around Interface Mode.

Like robertweston2 is asking, it is necessary to know your specific use case in order to help you figure out how to configure things.  But trust that it can be done.  I hope this helps.