Questions & Answers

Why cannot I get my Euphonix MC Mix to work with Studio One 3?

+3 votes
asked Jun 21, 2016 in Studio One 3 by forgotteng (530 points)
I cannot get Euphonix MC Mix to connect or communicate with Studio One 3 what am I doing wrong and why does it have to be so hard. The rest of Studio One is a breeze. Is this one of those things that presonus doesn't want to work so they can sell more control surfaces? Help

Windows 7, Studio One 3, i7 Gigabit mobo, 32 gigs ram

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 21, 2016 by Scoox (17,290 points)
Have you checked for answers elsewhere? I have seen videos of some Euphonix gear hooked up to S1 and working
asked Jun 21, 2016 in Studio One 3 by forgotteng (530 points) Yes I did
0 votes
answered Nov 7, 2017 by macdavey (180 points)
I just installed studio one 3,5 and was planning a switch from Logic, but now my Euphonix MC Mix and Transport are not working with Studio One 3.5.  I have it setup as a midi device, send/receive set to port 1, and in System Preferences have added Studio One inside Eucontrol as an app, set to Mackie Control, and when I launch Studio One, the control surface faders move, and the Transport window says "Studio One", but I cannot control any functions, even as basic as fader control in the mixer, or transport control of stop/start/rewind etc...

I watched all the YouTube videos, and am an advanced user, and have been using the MC Mix and Transport with Logic X, with no issues.

Running on a Mac Pro early 2008, quad core, 16GM ram, 10.10.5 Yosemite OS

Any suggestions on a setting I need to check inside Studio One?  I have gone into Configure External Devices, and see the Euphinix MC Mix, but not the Transport, but when I click anywhere in Studio One, the Transport window displays Studio One?