Questions & Answers

My StudioLive32sx Mixer does not come up in the UC App via Wireless Network.

0 votes
asked May 18, 2023 in StudioLive Series III by jonahherrnkind (150 points)
Hello guys,

Hope my english is good enough for this.

I tryed to set up a WiFi Control for my StudioLive 32sx console. Router is a TPLink WR902AC and configured the right way. When I connect my phone to the wireless network, it cant find the mixer. IP-adresses are set up as dynamic.

Does someone habe an idea where the problem is? Soft- and Firmware are latest version

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 22, 2023 by adawson (1,470 points)
selected May 25, 2023 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
Only thing I can think of would be make sure the router is powered on first and fully booted up and running. Then turn the console power on.   If that doesn't work, factory reset the router, add only your network password and try the above steps again. Hope this helps.
0 votes
answered May 27, 2023 by Dorday (4,680 points)
If I understand you correctly, you are attempting to control your mixer using your phone.  From my understanding, this is not possible because you need to have UC Surface installed on your mobile device.  But UC Surface is not supported on phones.  You need to either use an android tablet or Apple iPad to run UC Surface.  I hope this helps.