Questions & Answers

Why does the mixer keep dropping connection via usb to the Apple IMAC computer, Why won't presonus fix this bug?

+8 votes
asked Jul 23, 2022 in StudioLive Series III by fletchdozier (300 points)
My brand new studiolive 32 sx keeps disconnecting from computer/universal audio. Seems that this issue has existed for some time now. Are there any plans to fix this bug? Can I return this unit, get my money back and buy more Universal Audio racks?  :(

8 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 19, 2022 by mathewdale (340 points)
Having the same issue... would like answers!
+1 vote
answered Aug 29, 2022 by johannesbiegl (530 points)
Hey man !

I also have / had the same problems with my 32r and with my 32sc with different apple computers. what worked for me is that I pulled my 32sc back on factory firmware (v2.2) . On the 32r there was a newer version as factory preset and that one also lost the connection to apple computers which forced my to sell the 32r again. :(

This worked for the last year. Last week I tried again a new firmware update on the 32sc and got the same problem again which forced me again to get back to factory firmware.

Presonus you have to solve that !!!!
+1 vote
answered Oct 6, 2022 by double trouble (260 points)
I've had the same issue on both of my 24R mixers and there answer was to go back to old firmware and wait for a fix that was nearly twelve months ago. I don't think Presonus care about customer support and product servicing as long as they get there sales.

have decided to drop this company as I've had nothing but disappointed service from the start.

failed Rm16ai mixer cant be fixed.

cs18 cant use on anything else (only done 4 shows )

2* 24R mixers with drop out problems

no support equals good bye and have order a Allen & Heath SQ-5 mixer and stage box just waiting to turn up and off load Presonus.
+1 vote
answered Apr 30, 2023 by taggartsnyder (320 points)
Same here with my 32r. Love the unit, but not always. So, to go back to the original firmware, would I need to do a factory reset?
+1 vote
answered Sep 13, 2023 by colinwillsher (300 points)
Still no answer on this post? I have the same issue but it's got worse recently with no changes to either firmware or Mac OS. It now drops every few seconds. It reconnects with a power cycle but loses it again seconds later. It's becoming next to useless. But £2k worth of useless!

Can someone from Presonus kindly respond?

I am on 2.5.84445 and Mac OS 12.0.1
+1 vote
answered Dec 13, 2023 by email3 (540 points)
I too have the same issue.  I've had a StudioLive32R for 1 1/2 years and not one day did it not fail to crash at least 6 to 7 times a day loosing USB connection having to restart the device and powering off and on all the monitors.  Big pain in the butt.

The reason that I am posting this is that I recently purchased a StudioLive16R and use it with my same computer (Mac M1), same cables and everything and it has never lost a USB connection.  

I'm wondering whether there is a design flaw in the 32R and 24R.

By the way, the unit went for warranty repair and they kept it for 5 months.  It crashes less, however today it crashed on me 5 times.

Having proven this my unit is defective in many ways, it's not really legal for a company to sell a product that is defective and not make good on the product.  I have in the past spoken to a lawyer about this.
+1 vote
answered Jan 21, 2024 by iraward (280 points)
Have the same problem but only when I use the StudioLive 32 as the primary audio interface for the computer and watch "YouTube". When I power it off and on, it returns. You can also try this, it works sometimes: Open up Terminal, copy and paste this "sudo pkill coreaudiod", without the quotations and hit enter. Enter your password and Coreaudio will be reset.

When I use it only for any of my DAWs, it never happens.

When I use my Focusrite as the main computer audio interface and use the StudioLive 32 as a line mixer it never happens. Even if it is still connected to USB.

Conclusion: It is an USB issue. USB audio has always been stable and other devices in the system, especially when online, can interfere with the connection. Don't use your StudioLive as the main audio interface for your computer, only use it in DAW mode. Get a cheap 2ch interface for the computers audio :).

Hope this helps someone !!
+1 vote
answered Jul 13, 2024 by MobilizationPort (170 points)
I've had the same issues with both the 32SC and 32R. The 32SC also had network issues and I got a full refund for it under the warranty. Seriously considering dumping the 32R as well. It should not be so hard and unreliable to use.