Questions & Answers

optimisation for slide editing

0 votes
asked May 31, 2023 in Editing by dominikschiller (2,250 points)

I really like editing with the slide option (holding STRG and ALT). Even better would be a scenario where one does not need to cut the audio selection beforehand, and crossfade afterwards.

The ideal scenario would look something like this: One would make a selection for the audio part and hold the modifiers (STRG and ALT, or something different), and slide the audio to the place where it is appropriate.

So Studio One would essentially execute the procedure while containing the original event (no visible cuts or crossfades), similar to the merge to audio parts command.

So the edits would be only visible in the dedicated audio editor and not in the arranger.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 20, 2024 by gregvankerkhof (310 points)
I like the idea! Only problem is you'd need to pull up the editor every time you want to adjust a crossfade.

How about a modified split tool, that allows you to drag and select a region, the same way we do with the Range tool?

It would work something like this:

1. If you click and let go, it splits at the curser (the way it's always done).

2. If you click and keep the mouse button held down, you can drag to select a range. Then when you release the mouse button, it splits in both places (where you initially clicked and wherever the cursor is when you let go).