Questions & Answers

How to make Revelator more awesome

+1 vote
asked Jun 9, 2023 in Recording Interface Series Feature Requests by sebastianjanasiewicz (130 points)

Hi there!

I have owned the Revelator Dynamic microphone for quite some time now, and I would like to draw attention to a few things that will help both future buyers and current users.

  1. The first thing is the hole. Yes, the hole. When you unscrew the handle of the Revelator Dynamic used for mounting on stands, there is a hole left with no cover. I purchased the SHK-2 (mount shock) and ended up with a hole in the microphone. This is something that should be immediately addressed (referring to a cover for the hole). The cost of the microphone in Poland is not cheap, and yet such a small but important thing is missing. Currently, I am using floor protectors to cover the hole, but it doesn't look aesthetically pleasing. In my opinion, this should be fixed as soon as the SHK-2 is released. (Currently, this hole cannot be covered without some sort of arm or microphone stand.)

  2. Instead of a smartphone application where you have to tap on the touch screen and keep the phone or tablet screen active all the time for configuration, quick changes, muting tracks, etc., the product should be designed to allow us to have such control. Having a few buttons, knobs, maybe some displays, and this device would be unbeatable (because the raw quality is already amazing!). Such a cool gadget on the desk would make more sense than a phone application. One could also consider a stream deck, but I see that someone has already posted about it. If it is not possible to simply provide an API, then the best solution is precisely such a control device.

Those are the two things, in summary.

Sincerely, Sebastian
