As of firmware 1.17 for the revelator io24, the 3 virtual outputs have been replaced with 2 virtual outputs and a dedicated mic output, this was done in order to streamline the software however, I consider a loss of features and a major loss in privacy.
Instead of forcing users to have only 2 virtual outputs and one dedicated mic output, please give users the option to switch between the current "streamlined" mode, and the original "legacy" or "advanced" mode with 3 virtual outputs.
The dedicated mic output (Mic/Inst1/2) cannot be muted in my experience, which is a major problem if I need to talk with someone irl, and don't want my voice chat to hear.
(Yes I have tried resetting all my settings, No the global mute still does not affect the 'Mic/Inst1/2', only the 2 virtual outputs)
The advantage of having 3 virtual outputs (with one dedicated to just my mic) in the UC software instead was that I could use the mute sync function to mute everything at once using a tablet I had to my left.