Questions & Answers

Can you bring back the 3 virtual outputs as an 'advanced' or 'legacy' mode for the revelator io24

+9 votes
asked Dec 8, 2021 in Recording Interface Series Feature Requests by mytgsubx (210 points)
As of firmware 1.17 for the revelator io24, the 3 virtual outputs have been replaced with 2 virtual outputs and a dedicated mic output, this was done in order to streamline the software however, I consider a loss of features and a major loss in privacy.

Instead of forcing users to have only 2 virtual outputs and one dedicated mic output, please give users the option to switch between the current "streamlined" mode, and the original "legacy" or "advanced" mode with 3 virtual outputs.
The dedicated mic output (Mic/Inst1/2) cannot be muted in my experience, which is a major problem if I need to talk with someone irl, and don't want my voice chat to hear.

(Yes I have tried resetting all my settings, No the global mute still does not affect the 'Mic/Inst1/2', only the 2 virtual outputs)

The advantage of having 3 virtual outputs (with one dedicated to just my mic) in the UC software instead was that I could use the mute sync function to mute everything at once using a tablet I had to my left.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2022 by christopherayala (370 points)
Yeah, I saw your comment on TheFullSetup's video discussing this firmware and I'm also a bit upset about that ProSonus decided to do this. Was contemplating on a refund, but not sure if any other alternatives to the io24 (DSP, virtual channels, stream mixes, etc.).
0 votes
answered Jan 2 by ChrisRobbins5016 (180 points)
I clicked to "upvote" but I fear it was a wasted effort.   This simple request was made over 2 years ago with no response.  If PreSonus ever reads this, please understand that the vast majority of product videos on YouTube show the old version of software, where you had 3 output choices.

The fact that the default view for the mixer settings in UC is "Main" yet you cannot use "Main" as an audio option for output (to record with, etc) is completely baffling.  I ordered 3 Revelator products today to both use in my studio, and to review on my YouTube channel, but with this missing feature, I can 100% say they will all be returned.

You had a feature that was absent in the majority of other products and you erased it.  Why?